cover of the moleskine i've been jotting ideas down and doodles in.
The semester began today. My productiveness over the summer didn't work out the way I'd hoped. I am content with it's out come though. For the most part.
The saving up money thing just did not happen. It's a miracle that I JUST made it financially, at least when it comes to the tuition and course fees for this semester. I'm still in a panic for living expenses but...yeah.
I'm jam packed with classes and I'm already super excited about jumping back in.
On Mondays I have Drawing Workshop w/ my DrawingI teacher from last semester. Drawing Workshop is a bit hard to explain. It's an advanced course [mainly only for Juniors and Seniors. I'm the only freshman] but it's pretty much an open drawing class. There are assignments/projects our teacher gives out but we have complete freedom to do what we want with it. The point is to experiment and most definitely step outside the box. Mixed Media is very much encouraged and emphasized. There is also no models involved. Some still life but, mainly our creative mind.
I am so happy about this. This is what I've been wanting and waiting for. I can not wait to see what I create out of this class. I'm eager to share it with all of you too.
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