October is a crazy month for me. Always has been. Just so much seems to happen and I'm constantly busy. Even when I was a kid. Always things to do, places to be. Things change in October, I'm not sure why. And I'm not talking about fall really. I'm from Florida. The change to fall doesn't happen there like it does most everywhere else. October has two of my favorite holidays in it. My birthday and Halloween. [yes! My birthday is a holiday ;P] This specific October is no exception when it comes to business.
•We had Gallery Hop last weekend where I spent my time browsing the new exhibits in the Short North and got social with locals.
•I have two benefit shows I'm trying to be in. I want at least one piece in the TaTa Gala Show, which is an event for breast cancer that's held at the Digital 3 gallery in Sarasota, FL. Also, while at Gallery Hop, I was talking to the guys at Sovereign Collective and they're having a call for artists soon for a West Memphis Three Benefit show. So I've been reading into that a will try my best to submit something.
•I have a couple of major projects, along with basic homework, due throughout the month. My self portrait for painting class is due this week and I'm really nowhere near done. I'm wrapping up an assignment for 2D Thursday and will be starting a new one immediately after. Plus the new quasi-vignette project in Color Con. I need to present the second piece in my series for drawing workshop, along side my first which needs to be redone... Oh and we have a mid-term portfolio due soon.
•Slightly more fun but, adding to the crazy, my birthday weekend is approaching. This year it's a full house and attempts at cramming fun times the whole weekend. My little sister is living with me right now, which has been an adjustment in itself, and then I have visiting in a few weeks, my older sister and one of my best friends from Orlando coming in town. At least. I have a couple others saying they might show up but, no conformation yet. heh.
•Other events at the end of the month include the Trauma Fetish Ball and CCAD's Big Boo.
I definently am more skilled at drawing than painting.
There is way more work that needs to be done with this. I will get back to it. I promise. I think Oil is a beautiful medium and I seriously admire those who can control it.