For three years I've worked full time at this restaurant. For five years I've done nothing but work full time. I've had my share of adventures in between but, for the most part it's been work to survive. My last day before going to part time for school.
I start at Columbus College of Art and Design tomorrow morning. This is a big deal for me.
I was first heard about this school on a chance encounter.
A year or so out of high school, while still living in Orlando, a couple of friends and I took a trip down to Sarasota. Along with a necessary trip to the Salvador Dali museum, we swung by Ringling College of Art for their hosting of National Portfolio Day. Though this event is geared towards high school students one should never turn down a portfolio review. I had learned early that there's always room for improvement and the way to get there was through others critiques. I visited the tables of schools I dreamed of going to but never thought I would.
Near the end of the day I waited for my friends who were speaking with multiple college reps. I just happened to glance over at a table with no line. I figured another review couldn't hurt.
Columbus College of Art and Design.
The man raved over my art work and told me about the opportunity for scholarships. He told me about the school and what they had to offer. I walked away with a better confidence about my work but honestly brushed off the idea. Didn't think much about it until years later.
I mean really, OHIO?!
I obviously ended up in Columbus, Ohio. For a very different reason then my education originally yet it all worked out. Lets see how this all plays out...
Let the new adventure begin.